Fritz's World

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Monday, November 05, 2007

Could this give Gatorade a run for the money?

An article in Britain's Daily Mail reported of a scientific experiment that actually made the following conclusion: beer is more effective at rehydrating people than water after exercise! Apparently the experiment was conducted in Spain, whereby one group was given two half-pints of lager after exercise, while another group was given water. After those two drinks, both groups were only allowed to drink water, and the beer group was found to be better hydrated than the water group. Scientists attributed beer's hydration power thusly:

Researchers suspect that the sugars, salts and bubbles in a pint may help people absorb fluids more quickly.
Now after reading this article, I have to wonder two things: 1) Where can I find a pint of Guinness? And 2) Why didn't I find this article in The Onion???



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