Fritz's World

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Reflections on 15 years

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to partake in my 15-year high school class reunion, and I must say, it was a fantastic experience!

For a number of years, I've remained friends with a handful of former classmates, and naturally have fallen out of touch with many others. But through the magic of Facebook (sarcasm not intended, even though the term is often loaded with it), I've been able to reconnect with a lot of former classmates, and this past Saturday afforded me the opportunity to do so in person.

The reunion was held at Appalachian Brewing Company (more popularly known as "ABC") in Harrisburg, PA, and for the better part of the evening, we had the upstairs to ourselves (even though what looked like a wedding reception was being held in the next room). For three hours, I worked the room like I rarely do, talking and catching up with many old friends and classmates, essentially getting to know them all over again—though as adults, not as middle or high school students.

What struck me as amazing about this reunion was that all the things that made high school, well, high school, were conspicuously absent. Gone were the cliques, the arrogance, the snottiness, and all the associated doucebaggery that makes high school so childish. That night, we simply related to each other as human beings, and it made the associations so much more refreshing. As one person noted, 15 years was a good enough wait-time after graduation to hold this, because five years would have been too soon, 10 years would have been on the fence, but 15 years was just right.

Out of my graduating class of 127 (give or take), I'd say maybe a quarter showed up. Naturally I was saddened that so many people I looked forward to seeing didn't make it, but hopefully they'll attend in the future. But I'm nevertheless grateful to have had the opportunity to catch up with old friends, and I thank the organizer for making this reunion happen.

UDA Class of 1996
(Photo by Jer Strausser, used with his wife's permission)

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