Fritz's World

An exciting and awe-inspiring glimpse into my life: movie reviews (which are replete with spoilers), Penn State football, Washington Nationals, and life here in the nation's capital. Can you handle it?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Igor, would you help me with the bags?

It was on the Post's Dr. Gridlock chat yesterday that I first learned of Metro's newest security measure: random bag inspections.

I have to say, for all of Metro's PR and policy snafus of late, this one I have to agree with. That's because I can think of at least one time I rode the rails where a random bag inspection would have been quite helpful beforehand! It was after a Nats game on July 4, 2006 (a game made famous by Ryan Zimmerman's fabulous game-ending/game-winning walk-off home run over the Marlins), and as soon as the Metro train left Stadium-Armory, someone sitting near one of the doors got out some Roman Candles . . . and then proceeded to get out a lighter and start adjusting/playing with the size of the flame. (Luckily there was a Metro security officer in the next car who took an interest in said passenger.)

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