Fritz's World

An exciting and awe-inspiring glimpse into my life: movie reviews (which are replete with spoilers), Penn State football, Washington Nationals, and life here in the nation's capital. Can you handle it?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Star Trek, if written by Quentin Tarantino

Over the weekend, I watched a few Star Trek: The Next Generation DVDs from Netflix, and it reminded me of something some friends and I did in college—we came up with a list of Star Trek quotes, then edited them Quentin Tarantino-style. For instance:
  • Riker, when beating the hell out of a Borg drone: "Does Captain Picard look like a bitch???!!!"
  • Picard, naming all of his senior officers for a clandestine, undercover mission: "Number one, you're Mr. Brown. Data, you're Mr. White. Georgi, you're Mr. Blond. Mr. Worf, you're Mr. Pink." Worf, in an angry retort, "Sir, I protest! I am not Mr. Pink!"
  • Riker, while talking to Georgi during a shuttlecraft flight: "You know that new McDonald's they opened up on the Klingon home world? Well, they don't call it a royale with cheese there. They call it the kul-pach with cheese."
  • Lore, looking down on a Borg drone after Data saves him from assimilation: "I'm gonna get medieval on your positronic ass!"
  • Dr. McCoy (from the original series), angrily shouting to Scotty through a communicator, "I'm a doctor, dammit—not an engineer! I fix people, not machines! So pretty please, with sugar on top, beam me the fuck up!"

See what we really learned in college!

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Blogger Brad Stratton said...

Back on April 1, 1997, a movie news website reported that Tarantino was making "Pulp Muppets," with such classic bits as Kermit shoving a huge needle in Miss Piggy's heart. Anyway, I found a mock trailer at YouTube.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about ~ "He's dead, Jim. You take his tricorder and I'll take his wallet."

6:16 PM  

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