Fritz's World

An exciting and awe-inspiring glimpse into my life: movie reviews (which are replete with spoilers), Penn State football, Washington Nationals, and life here in the nation's capital. Can you handle it?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A side-by-side comparison of "Crying"

It's not unusual (to borrow that famous line from Tom Jones) to find a Roy Orbison song in a David Lynch movie. Two of his most famous examples are "In Dreams," which Dennis Hopper and Dean Stockwell immortalized in Lynch's film Blue Velvet, and "Crying," which hit glorious pay dirt in Mulholland Dr.

The video below is Orbison's original version of "Crying."

In Mulholland Dr., Orbison's song takes on a whole new world: being performed a cappella, in Spanish, and with an intensity that raises it to mysterious yet heavenly heights.

Having grown accustomed to the Spanish a cappella version, I find it fascinating to listen to them both side by side, because in a way, you have two versions that are mysteriously similar yet unique enough to stand on its own. Both express a certain pain, and both express it in heartbreaking, beautiful tones. But they're different enough in tempo, in timbre, and inflection that you almost have two totally different songs, each with a wondrous magic that sets it apart from the other.

I honestly can't say one is better than the other, but all the same, my kudos to both Orbison and whoever arranged the Spanish version (I'm guessing Lynch composer Angelo Badalamenti?) for creating something wondrous.



Blogger Nicolle said...

Totally off topic comment: OMG you're still alive! How has life been treating you in DC? I haven't seen your dad lately. He currently has my little sister for humanities and art.

Love, Nicolle

5:26 PM  
Blogger Fritz said...

Yup, I'm still here in DC, and the old man's still teaching Humanities. I'm trying to convince him when/if he does ever retire, he needs to retire to State College. :)

6:46 PM  
Blogger Nicolle said...

He should. He loves Penn State so much. You know, there's a few houses for sale over by Joe Pa's place. ;)

My email is still the same: nlb125.

9:06 PM  

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