Fritz's World

An exciting and awe-inspiring glimpse into my life: movie reviews (which are replete with spoilers), Penn State football, Washington Nationals, and life here in the nation's capital. Can you handle it?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Where's Betamax when you really need it?

In the current DVD format wars, I am officially Switzerland. Will, on the other hand, has been observing the situation closely, and is bravely declaring a winner based on what he's seen so far.

Maybe I'm living in the Stone Ages technologically, but I don't currently own a flat-panel widescreen HDTV that takes up one entire wall of my living room; thus, I don't need a special brand of DVD for a movie to be seen in super-high precision on my set-up. My current 25-inch tube TV with the standard DVD work perfectly well, and that's more than enough to suit me. (Plus, there are better ways to blow $3,000 on myself.)

I guess one thing that really irks me about this format war is the underlying fear that one day soon we're going to have to upgrade all our DVDs to a higher format . . . right after we've finished upgrading all our old movies from VHS to DVD. Seriously, I don't want to have to go through that whole upgrade mess again, which is why I'm hoping the whole high-definition craze burns out on re-entry.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm right there with you, Fritz. Personally, I'm backing the LG Electronics effort out of Korea to create a dual-format player that plays BOTH HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. I think if that hits and is successful, the war will end before it really even begins.

Besides, your regular DVD players are coming out with features that go HD (such as HDMI outputs) at a fraction of the cost of the newer players. Do I really want 1080p resolution? Sure, it'd be nice, but I'm more content with working with component inputs. Let's just get a TV first and then go from there.

1:30 PM  

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